Kategória Gyógyszerkutatás

Effective Synthesis, Development and Application of a Highly Fluorescent Cyanine Dye for Antibody Conjugation and Microscopy Imaging

Absztrakt An asymmetric cyanine-type fluorescent dye was designed and synthesized via a versatile, multi-step process, aiming to conjugate with an Her2+ receptor specific antibody by an azide–alkyne click reaction. The aromaticity and the excitation and relaxation energetics of the fluorophore were characterized…

Synaptic alterations and neuronal firing in human epileptic neocortical excitatory networks

Absztrakt Epilepsy is a prevalent neurological condition, with underlying neuronal mechanisms involving hyperexcitability and hypersynchrony. Imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory circuits, as well as histological reorganization are relatively well-documented in animal models or even in the human hippocampus, but less…

Seeing beyond the spikes: reconstructing the complete spatiotemporal membrane potential distribution from paired intra- and extracellular recordings

Absztrakt Although electrophysiologists have been recording intracellular neural activity routinely ever since the ground-breaking work of Hodgkin and Huxley, and extracellular multichannel electrodes have also been used frequently and extensively, a practical experimental method to track changes in membrane potential…

Studying the Association of TKS4 and CD2AP Scaffold Proteins and Their Implications in the Partial Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Process 

Absztrakt Colon cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Identification of new molecular factors governing the invasiveness of colon cancer holds promise in developing screening and targeted therapeutic methods. The Tyrosine Kinase Substrate with four SH3 domains (TKS4) and…

Hydrogen peroxide production by epidermal dual oxidase 1 regulates nociceptive sensory signals 

Absztrakt Keratinocytes of the mammalian skin provide not only mechanical protection for the tissues, but also transmit mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimuli from the external environment to the sensory nerve terminals. Sensory nerve fibers penetrate the epidermal basement membrane and function in the tight intercellular space among…

Expression of the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 ion channel in the supramammillary nucleus and the antidepressant effects of its antagonist AMG9810 in mice

Absztrakt The Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) non-selective cation channel predominantly expressed in primary sensory neurons of the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia mediates pain and neurogenic inflammation. TRPV1 mRNA and immunoreactivity were described in the central nervous system…

Hemokinin-1 induces transcriptomic alterations in pain-related signaling processes in rat primary sensory neurons independent of NK1 tachykinin receptor activation

Absztrakt The tachykinin hemokinin-1 (HK-1) is involved in immunological processes, inflammation, and pain. Although the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R) is described as its main target, several effects are mediated by currently unidentified receptor(s). The role of HK-1 in pain is…