

Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 Ion Channel Is Expressed in Osteosarcoma and Its Activation Reduces Viability. 

ZEEBONE, YARSMIN YUNUS ; BÓTA, BRIGITTA; HALAS, VERONIKA; LIBISCH, BALÁZS; OLASZ, FERENC; PAPP, PÉTER; KERESZTÉNY, TIBOR; GERŐCS, ANNAMÁRIA; ALI, OMERALFAROUG; KOVÁCS, MELINDA ET AL. Gut-Faecal Microbial and Health-Marker Response to Dietary Fumonisins in Weaned Pigs TOXINS 15 : 5 Paper: 328 , 18 p. (2023) Munkacsoport: Élelmiszerbiztonság

Osteosarcoma-Induced Pain Is Mediated by Glial Cell Activation in the Spinal Dorsal Horn, but Not Capsaicin-Sensitive Nociceptive Neurons: A Complex Functional and Morphological Characterization in Mice. 

ZEEBONE, YARSMIN YUNUS ; BÓTA, BRIGITTA; HALAS, VERONIKA; LIBISCH, BALÁZS; OLASZ, FERENC; PAPP, PÉTER; KERESZTÉNY, TIBOR; GERŐCS, ANNAMÁRIA; ALI, OMERALFAROUG; KOVÁCS, MELINDA ET AL. Gut-Faecal Microbial and Health-Marker Response to Dietary Fumonisins in Weaned Pigs TOXINS 15 : 5 Paper: 328 , 18 p. (2023) Munkacsoport: Élelmiszerbiztonság

Site-Selective Antibody Conjugation with Dibromopyrazines. 

Absztrakt In recent years, antibody conjugates have evolved as state-of-the-art options for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. During site-selective antibody conjugation, incomplete rebridging of antibody chains limits the homogeneity of conjugates and calls for the development of new rebridging agents. Herein,…